Singing Guide: Follow the Fleet

Singing Guide: Follow the Fleet

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Sing Like Fred Astaire

In this article, we will learn how to sing like Fred Astaire, one of the most accomplished performers of all time. Fred Astaire's unique vocal technique was characterized by his ability to project his voice with confidence. He was not formally trained, and instead, relied on his natural talents to project his voice with style and flair. The following tips will help you to learn how to sing like Fred Astaire.

Tip 1: Breath Support

To sing like Fred Astaire, it is important to develop good breath support. This involves using your diaphragm to breathe deeply and support your voice. Singing can be an exhausting activity, so it is essential to give your lungs the necessary air supply.

Singing Carrots has an excellent article on breath support that can help you to develop the necessary skills.

Tip 2: Articulation

For Fred Astaire, articulation was everything. He was known for his clear diction and precise pronunciation. It's essential to enunciate every word clearly so you can convey the meaning of the song effectively.

Singing Carrots has a great article that provides tips on how to improve your articulation.

Tip 3: Chest Voice/Voice Registers

Fred Astaire's voice was characterized by his use of the chest voice register. It is essential to learn how to use chest voice properly to sing like Fred Astaire. It is also essential to master other voice registers to add variety and nuances to your singing.

Singing Carrots has several videos that teach you chest voice and voice registers, which can help you to develop your vocal skills.

Tip 4: Onsets and Offsets

Onsets are the sounds made at the beginning of the song or phrase, while offsets are the sounds made at the end. It's essential to master both these singing aspects to sound like Fred Astaire.

Singing Carrots has a video that teaches glottal onset, which can help you to improve your singing.

Tip 5: Songs to Showcase the Technique

To truly sound like Fred Astaire, you must choose the right songs. Songs such as "Cheek to Cheek," "Top Hat, White Tie, and Tails," and "Let's Face the Music and Dance" are great examples of Fred Astaire's unique vocal technique.

Singing Carrots has a search tool that can help you find songs that match your vocal range, difficulty, and genre preference. You can also create your performance set and get linked lyrics, sheet music, chords, karaoke, and YouTube audio with the Song-book feature.

By following these tips and incorporating the relevant Singing Carrots resources, you can learn to sing like Fred Astaire and become an accomplished performer.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.